NIGAR AGHAYEVA DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION offers services for exterior design, small architectural forms, exterior and landscape lighting.
Exterior design aims to create an ergonomic and harmonious atmosphere of the space. The basis of the design is a combination of artistic and utilitarian ideas, which is aimed at creating favorable conditions for human life. Exterior design objects should have figurative qualities, in a concise way harmonize with each other and interact harmoniously with the overall architecture. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the visual perception of the created objects, as well as the overall color scheme, scale and proportion.
Our studio provides services that are functional between the work of architects and landscape designers. We do the work that is the basis of the design, although it does not attract attention at first glance, for example, we design the facade and fix the work on the already built building. Translated from the Italian language, “facade” means the face, and it is the facade that forms the first impression of the building. It should not be forgotten that, as a result, the facade of the building must correspond to its interior content. Therefore, when proposing a solution for design, it is necessary to understand in what style the interior design will be solved.
Exterior design also includes the design of the entrance group, which includes a whole complex of project work. Depending on the type of building and the purpose of the entrance group, it can be: floor coverings, supports, stairs, fences, flower beds, vases, information boards, etc.
Chimneys are required to functionally protect the main design, especially using decorative flutes. In turn, outdoor lighting will allow you to give a complete and attractive look to a private home or commercial building.
Features of exterior design
Our specialists use various artistic-natural or unnatural means to create a comfortable living environment. The design takes into account not only the aesthetics of the space, but also its functionality. The choice of decoration and the type of materials used in our studio is based on an attempt to emphasize the tastes, needs and capabilities of the residents. The basic laws of architecture are also taken into account when preparing the exterior design of city apartments. Forging braids, marquises and panoramic glass for flower vases create a harmonious atmosphere that will be more comfortable for the customer. We monitor each project at all stages, ensuring quality results.